The town where Lokals live! A vibrant melting pot of ideologies, lifestyles and characters!
The Townies
Split 3, a new part of the city that became the center of the new movement, where The Townies live. The townies are your everyday lokals that form the main fabric of our town!
The Workers
A big part of the city is the shipyard Shkver where The Workers live! No town can exist without its skilled workers! These Lokals are not afraid of a little manual labor!
The Athletes
Sporting center Koteks is where The Athletes live! They are always ready for some action! But some of them also just like how they look wearing some cool sporting gear!
The Beach Boys
-Let’s not forget the beaches on the other side of the town, most famous called Bachvice, where we find The Beach Boys! They enjoy the sun, which Split has in abundance, playing picigin (a local sport played in shallow water with a small ball) and trying to pick up women who came to get tanned!
The Artists
-Underground club The Cube is the meeting spot for all artistic types- musicians, painters, performers. Thats where The Artists hang out!
This is our stage -a small Mediterranean town of Split and that’s where our story is set!